State Rep. David Maloney | Pennsylvania 130th Legislative District
State Rep. David Maloney | Pennsylvania 130th Legislative District
The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) has come under scrutiny following a "special meeting" announced with only 25 hours' notice, intended to appoint Stephen Smith as the executive director. Representative David Maloney criticized the commission for not providing details on how the public could comment or participate, which he claims is a violation of Pennsylvania's Sunshine Law.
“Today’s meeting was the second attempt to anoint Steve Smith as the PGC executive director, again in violation of Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law. While advertising a Monday meeting 25-hours prior on a Sunday technically complied with one single aspect of the law, the abject failure once again to invite or even enable public comment renders this sham meeting null and void, just as Smith’s ‘assumed’ position is null and void,” Maloney said.
Pennsylvania law defines "public notice" for an open meeting as publishing details about its place, date, and time in a widely circulated newspaper. The Sunshine Laws also require that government bodies provide residents or taxpayers reasonable opportunities to comment on issues before any official action is taken. Violations can result in fines for commissioners and invalidation of their actions according to sections 713 and 714 of Title 65 Pa.C.S.
“The continuation of this ordeal is an affront to the sportsmen of Pennsylvania, a disrespect to the ideals of transparent and open government, and a blow to the integrity of the Game Commission,” Maloney stated.