"The deadline to submit Community Project Funding requests to my team is 6PM tonight!For more information and to submit your completed application:docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Chrissy Houlahan:
"Today is one of reflection and togetherness for many in our communityI hope you are able to share it with those you love.To all those observing, have a blessed Good Friday!"Read on Twitter
"My father was born in Lviv, so to be sanctioned by Russia for standing up to Putin's ruthless war is a proud moment for me and my family.This cowardly move only strengthens my resolve to support the people of Ukraine. twitter.com/axios/status/1" on April 14Read on Twitter
"Currently, if our teachers, nurses, law enforcement, and other public servants move to a different career after completing their required payments, but before bureaucrats complete their processes, they could be denied loan forgiveness.(2/4)" on April 14Read on Twitter