Spring issued the following announcement on Sept. 8.
The Master Watershed Stewards of Berks and Schuylkill counties would like to invite the public
to join us at Cacoosing Meadows Park (3284 State Hill Road, Sinking Spring, PA 19608) on Saturday,
September 25, 9:00 a.m. (storm date: Sunday, 9/26) in planting a riparian buffer. We will be
planting a total of 90 native shrubs along Cacoosing Creek and additional volunteers are needed
to help with this effort. We will start planting at 9:00 a.m. and work until each shrub is properly
planted and installed with a weed barrier mat and wire fencing. The initial holes will be pre-dug
with an auger, but we will need to widen the holes for proper planting. Please bring your own
shovels and gloves.
This riparian buffer is unique because it will act as a live stake plant nursery. Live stakes are
simply branch cuttings from specific trees and shrubs that, when branches are properly inserted
into eroded or exposed soil, will eventually take root and grow into new trees or shrubs
stabilizing creek or streambank and preventing further soil loss. Planting live stakes is a low cost
and easy way for residents to make improvements along their backyard stream. Once the nursery
is established, Penn State Master Watershed Stewards and their partners will be able to harvest
branch cuttings to help restore other streamside banks throughout Berks and Schuylkill counties.
The Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward (MWS) program of Berks and Schuylkill
counties is pleased to be partnering with the Township of Spring and the Berks County
Conservation District on this exciting project.
We need lots of extra hands to help with this installation! If you can join us, please either sign up
here (http://tinyurl.com/2021-09RiparianBufferPlanting) or email or call Natalie Marioni at
nkm5342@psu.edu or 610-378-1327
Original source can be found here.